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作者:刘海波,钟钰铭,岑淑萍,任 艳      时间:2022-03-30 15:56      浏览:




刘海波,钟钰铭,岑淑萍,任 艳

(西南民族大学 药学院,四川 成都 610041)

摘 要:对药用天牛成虫和幼虫的名称、基原与主治功效进行考证,为后续药用天牛的开发和利用提供依据.考证结果表明,古时药用天牛成虫的基原为星天牛,主要用于治疗疔肿与恶疮.宋代以前,星天牛的幼虫常与蛴螬混用.历代本草中收载的木蠹虫、柳蠹虫、桑蠹虫与枣蠹虫实为天牛的幼虫,用于治疗血瘀与月经不调等多种疾病,由于缺乏生长环境与形态特征等描述,尚不能确定各蠹虫的基原物种.现代记载的药用天牛成虫与幼虫来源于多个种,功效差异较大,且与本草记载存在较大出入,值得进一步研究.


中图分类号:R282.71   文献标志码:A

Herbal Textual Research on Medicinal Insect Longicorn

LIU Haibo,ZHONG Yuming,CEN Shuping,REN Yan

(College of Pharmacy,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu 610041,China)

Abstract:This paper conducts a textual research on the name,origin and therapeutic efficacy of the adults and larvae of medicinal longicorn so as to provide a basis for the follow-up development and utilization of medicinal longicorn.The results of textual research showed that the origin of the ancient medicinal longicorn adult was Anoplophora chinensis Forster,which was mainly used to treat swelling and acne.Before the Song Dynasty,the larvae of longicorn were often mixed with grubs.The wood beetle,willow bark beetle,mulberry beetle and jujube beetle collected in the previous dynasties were actually the larvae of longicorn,which were used to treat blood stasis,irregular menstruation and other diseases.The species of each beetle could not be determined due to the lack of habitat and morphological characteristics.The adults and larvae of medicinal longicorn recorded in modern times come from many species,which have great differences in efficacy and are quite different from those recorded in herbal medicine books;therefore,they deserve further study.

Key words:medicinal longicorn;Anoplophora chinensis Forster;herbal textual research