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作者:喜德阉鸡与市售几种鸡肉的品质比较研究 赵银峰1,周春燕1,吉莉莉1,陈 玲2,陈德群3      时间:2022-03-30 15:17      浏览:




赵银峰1,周春燕1,吉莉莉1,陈 玲2,陈德群3

(1.成都大学 肉类加工四川省重点实验室,四川 成都 610106;2.西昌华农禽业有限公司,四川 西昌 615099;

3.喜德县教育体育和科学技术局,四川 西昌 616750)

摘 要:以白羽肉鸡、麻黄鸡、三黄鸡、青脚麻鸡和喜德阉鸡为研究对象,探究喜德阉鸡与市场常见的几种鸡肉品质的差异.对5种鸡胸肉进行了物理、营养特性、氨基酸含量以及风味物质检测.结果表明,喜德阉鸡在pH值、水分含量和肉色亮度值(L*值)上显著高于麻黄鸡、三黄鸡和青脚麻鸡,而蒸煮损失率与剪切力显著低于其他鸡肉(P<0.05).喜德阉鸡在粗蛋白含量上显著高于白羽肉鸡、三黄鸡和青脚麻鸡,而其粗脂肪含量则显著低于麻黄鸡和青脚麻鸡(P<0.05).喜德阉鸡鸡胸肉中检出总氨基酸、鲜味氨基酸与必需氨基酸含量最高(P<0.05),且精氨酸、异亮氨酸、蛋氨酸及苏氨酸4种必需氨基酸含量均最高 (P<0.05).5种肉鸡中共检测出28种挥发性物质,主要包括醇类、醛类、烷烃类、酸类和芳香烃类物质,喜德阉鸡中的醇类物质(13.94%)、醛类物质(62.73%)和烷烃类物质(8.12%)均为最高,其中正己醛(58.72%)、1辛烯3醇(10.39%)是其富含油脂香味的重要来源.因此,喜德阉鸡较白羽肉鸡、麻黄鸡、三黄鸡和青脚麻鸡有更为优质的肉质以及独特的风味特性.


中图分类号:S831.2   文献标志码:A

Comparative Study of Quality of Xide Castrated Chickens and Several Types of Commercially Available Chicken Meat

ZHAO Yingfeng1,ZHOU Chunyan1,JI Lili1,CHEN Ling2,CHEN Dequn 3

(1.Meat Processing Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province,Chengdu University,Chengdu 610106,China;

2.Xichang Huannong poultry Industry Co.,Ltd.,Xichang 615099,China;

3.Xide County Education,Sports and Science and Technology Bureau,Xichang 616750,China)

Abstract:The study was performed to study the differences between the quality of Xide castrated chicken and several types of chicken meat commonly available in the market.The physical and nutritional characteristics,amino acid content and flavor substances of five types of chicken breasts were examined by selecting WhiteFinned Broiler chickens,Ephedra chickens,Sanhuang chickens,Green-Footed Hemp chickens and Xide castrated chickens as the subjects of the study.The results showed that the pH,moisture content and  L* of Xide castrated chickens were significantly higher than those of Ephedra,Sanhuang and GreenFooted Hemp chickens,while the cooking loss rate and shear force were significantly lower than those of other broilers (P < 0.05) and the crude protein content of Xide castrated chickens was significantly higher than that of WhiteFinned Broiler,Sanhuang and Green-Footed Hemp chickens,while their crude fat content was significantly lower than those of Ephedra and GreenFooted Hemp chickens (P<0.05).The highest content of total amino acids,fresh amino acids and the highest content of essential amino acids (P<0.05) were detected in the breast meat of Xide castrated chicken,and the highest content of four essential amino acids,namely arginine,isoleucine,methionine and threonine was also detected(P<0.05).28 volatile substances were detected in five types of broiler chickens,mainly including alcohols,aldehydes,alkanes,acids and aromatic hydrocarbons.The highest levels of alcohols (13.94%),aldehydes (62.73%) and alkanes (8.12%) were found in the Xide castrated chickens,with n hexanal (58.72%) and 1 octen3 ol (10.39%) being the most important sources of their rich fatty aroma.Therefore,Xide castrated chickens have better meat quality and unique flavor characteristics than WhiteFinned Broiler chickens,Ephedra chickens,Sanhuang chickens and Green-Footed Hemp chickens.

Key words:Xide castrated chicken;quality differences;physical characteristics;amino acid content;flavor substances;comparative study