文章编号:1004-5422(2021)03-0293-05 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5422.2021.03.012
赵 虔1,2,马 令1,吴修龙1,许 也1,郑乔天1,钱扬顺1
(1.成都大学 机械工程学院,四川 成都 610106;2.宜宾锂宝新材料有限公司,四川 宜宾 644604)
摘 要:通过非溶剂致相分离法制备聚偏氟乙烯—六氟丙烯高分子隔膜,以磷酸铁锂做正极,金属锂做负极,组装锂离子电池。通过制备不同厚度的隔膜,组装出锂离子电池并进行性能测试,对聚偏氟乙烯—六氟丙烯隔膜进行结构和性能优化。经过结构和性能参数对比,得到适用于锂离子电池聚偏氟乙烯—六氟丙烯隔膜的最佳厚度。
中图分类号:TB383.2;TM912 文献标识码:A
Preparation of PVDF-HFP Polymer Separator and Its Application in Lithium-Ion Batteries
ZHAO Qian1,2, MA Ling1, WU Xiulong1, XU Ye1, ZHENG Qiaotian1, QIAN Yangshun1
(1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Chengdu University, Chengdu 610106, China;
2.Yibin Libao New Material Co.,Ltd., Yibin 644604, China)
Abstract:In this paper, the PVDF-HFP polymer separator was prepared by the non-solvent induced phase separation method, with lithium iron phosphate as the positive electrode and metal lithium sheet as the negative electrode, and a lithium ion battery was assembled. By preparing separators of different thicknesses, assembling lithium-ion batteries and performing performance tests, the structure and performance of PVDF-HFP separators were optimized. After comparing the structure and performance parameters, the optimal thickness suitable for PVDF-HFP separators for lithium-ion batteries was obtained.
Key words:PVDF-HFP; separator; high polymer; lithium iron phosphate; lithium-ion battery